Eighth Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution


The eighth annual meeting of the European Society of the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE) took place in Faro, Portugal, from September 13 to 15, 2018. The conference was hosted by the University of Algarve at the Campus de Gambelas (Portugal), with 300 registered participants attending. The society currently includes 378 professional and student members. With support from The Wenner-Gren Foundation, ESHE provided 36 applicants with travel grants or child care vouchers, and an additional 14 travel grants for scholars affiliated with African institutions.

In Evolutionary Anthropology
Armando Falcucci
Armando Falcucci
Postdoctoral Researcher

My research focuses on the earliest stages of the Upper Paleolithic. I am currently analyzing several Aurignacian sites in Italy to better frame the chrono-cultural development of this technocomplex and investigate the role of climate change in the evolution of stone tool technologies.